Council 7445 E-Blast June 12 2024


Knights of Columbus

Bishop Claude Dubois Council 7445

June 12, 2024

Monthly Meeting Reminders


Tuesday , June 18th 6:30 pm Installation of Officers Meeting - CCE building

This is a family event so please invite all your friends and family to attend. We are having a pot luck dinner after the event. Knights 7445 will supply meat so please bring a side dish .

Please invite your Pastor, a Priest, or a Deacon to attend the installation. One of them should say the opening and closing prayers.

Please review the below to prepare and set up the Ceremony. This will give you the floor layout. Charles will need a past Grand Knight or Former District Deputy to assist him with the ceremony. He should be wearing a coat and tie. Please select this person before the ceremony date.

Towards the end of the ceremony, the newly elected Grand Knight will announce important dates and make any other important comments. Retiring Grand Knights please share this info with your newly elected Grand Knight

Dais chairs are occupied by District Deputy and Council Chaplain. The retiring Grand Knight opens the ceremonial and after the introduction of the District Deputy and the exchange of the gavel, the retiring Grand Knight joins the other retiring officers.

The newly elected Officers should wear jackets and ceremonial baldrics and be seated with their wives. Retiring Officers, Council members and guests will be seated as indicated on the Diagram (Audience).

The Warden of the Council will have arranged the Officers’ chairs in the form of a Cross as described in the Diagram below, and he shall place the proper number on each chair. A prepared table shall be set in front of the dais, holding the Officer Medals, Holy Water, and a flower for the wife of each Officer to be installed.

Tuesday, June 25th 7:00 pm Business Meeting - CCE building

The meal is at 6:30. It could be pizza unless you wish to volunteer for the meal under $75. Please call me at 281-725-4751 or respond to this email if you plan to attend so we have enough food for everyone. Don't respond with a I can't attend. We need to vote on the new budget and nomination of officers . Reflect on your vows of Charity Unity and Fraternity during exemplification and carry them out as a resolution for 2024. Your attendance is appreciated. 

If you haven't been available to help the knights in the past please do so this month.

installation of Officers
Council Calendar Update
Thank you for your Charity, Unity, and Fraternity to our Parish and Council
Vivat Jesus
GK Bob Svoboda